OK people, this is big, real big.
It's been officially announced: the free OpenEXR plug-ins I've been shipping for over a year are now going to be appearing in the next version of After Effects! So no longer will you have to replace Adobe's plug-in with the fnord one, because they will be the same! EXtractoR and IDentifier will also be included. You can read more about it here, here, here, and here.
And since you asked, yes, they will be remaining open source, and yes, I will continue to update them on the fnord web site as necessary.
Not included in After Effects will be the Comp Creator, which you can still download. And of course, the ProEXR Photoshop plug-in is separate.
This is really a big honor, and I want to thank the AE team for making it happen. I have had a love affair with After Effects for many years and it's hard to believe my plug-ins are now a part of it. Pinch me!
Update: See my credit in the AE secret about box (hold down option/alt while doing About After Effects). Whee!